NSGP Website

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Welcome to the 31st Annual Conference

Warm welcome to you from the NSGP Conference Committee!

The theme of this year’s conference is “What is at the heart of the work we do?” We know from our clinical experience, and from effectiveness research findings, that dynamic psychotherapies (individual, couples and group) help people resolve deep and painful life issues. The essential components of effective therapy, however, have been the subject of lively debate over the years, with many of the more recent schools of therapy introducing new challenges and proposing new solutions to the debate. In this year’s two-part Special Presentation, we’ve asked Jonathan Shedler, PhD to present his research and conclusions on the effectiveness of individual dynamic psychotherapy, and to discuss with a panel of seasoned group therapists about how his ideas are related to group therapies.

The Experience Groups and Workshops offered by our colleagues will consider a spectrum of group therapies, including underlying processes such as interpersonal neurobiology and attachment theory.

The Demonstration Group, led by our own Scott Rutan, will afford discussants, participants and observers a chance to weigh in on group processes observed in real time, and how these may berelated to the essence of effective treatment.

We on the Committee hope you will be stimulated and intrigued by the various offerings at the
conference, and that you will take the opportunity to re-connect with colleagues and friends.
Finally, we hope you will join our Society if you aren’t already a member, and deepen your connection to NSGP through the many activities offered during the year.

Julie Anderson, Peter Gumpert, and Scott Reinhardt, for the Committee

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