NSGP Website

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Time to Lead: Nerve-Breaking but Educational!

This was the first time for me to lead a day-long experiential group at the past NSGP Annual Conference that was held in June 2010 in Boston. As one experienced presenter put it, leading a group for your colleagues is very different from leading a group for your clients - the former REALLY shows you how good (or bad!) you are. My conclusion at the end of the day regarding my own performance as a group leader was that although I had things to offer, I still had a lot to learn! Having an Observer and hearing his feedback was very educational. In addition, being in a position of a group leader at the professional conference helped me develop more appreciation for seasoned clinicians who have been doing it for years. There is a lot of thought and effort that goes into this work that are not always apparent to the group members! I am truly appreciative of this experience that I leave humbled but determined. My determination is to continue challenge myself and grow professionally in this wonderful learning environment that the NSGP Annual Conference is - either as a leader, or as a participant!

Alexandra (Sasha) Juravleva, LMHC
Private Practice, Cambridge, MA

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